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WATER AND SEWERAGE CORPORATION Committed to Growth, Committed to Quality


Requirements for a New Connection in the owner’s name (Only the owner(s) of the property can apply)

  • A. Completed new connection form (all owners have to sign the form)
  • B. Passport
  • C. National Insurance Card
  • D. Proof of ownership:
  •   – Conveyance (Land papers)
  •   – Letter from the lawyer addressed to W&S stating the legal owner(s) of the property.
  •   – Bank letter if there is a mortgage addressed to W&S stating the legal owner(s) of the property.

Requirements for a New Connection in a company/church name

  • A. Completed new connection form (have to be signed by two directors/trustees).
  • B. Resolution authorizing the two directors/trustees to sign on behalf of the company/church.
  • C. Proof of ownership – Conveyance or Letter from attorney or Bank letter addressed to W&S if there is a mortgage.
  • D. Articles of Association
  • E. Certificate of good standing

*Please note a tenant can apply for a new connection if they can provide a lease agreement that has a contract of five or more years.

Requirements for Change of Ownership

  1. Complete Application Form
  2. Provide Copy of Conveyance
  3. Provide Photo ID (s)
  4. Provide Copy of NIB Card

How to Qualify for a Leak Rebate

  1. Consumption due to leak must be more than 40% above average quarterly consumption;
  2. A Leak Rebates is only granted once per year;
  3. 50% of the high bill must be paid before a rebate can be posted
  4. Rebates can cover no more than two quarters;
  5. A plumber’s report/ letter must be submitted by the specified date or the account may be disconnected for the outstanding amount.
  6. Rebate will be prepared for accounts whose consumption are back to normal within fifteen (15) working days.
  7. A leak rebate may be granted when the customer has provided satisfactory evidence that all leaks are repaired and consumption has returned to normal.
  8. The rebate percentage calculated to be applied to water charges.
  9. Customers sixty-five (65) or older who receive the senior’s discount and experience a leak, that account will be reduced by the amount of Old Age Pension Discount granted for the same period.
  10. Leak rebates for a customer receiving OAP Discount are only eligible if they reside in the dwelling home.
  11. A leak rebate maybe approved in principle only, where there has been a history of poor payments, and it is doubtful that payment will be received.
  12. When the rebate is due, an adjustment will be prepared and forwarded with supporting documentation for approval.
  13. Once a payment arrangement has been made with 50% of the balance paid an adjustment will be posted to the account.

HOP TO IT & WIN! - Pay your bill in full between March 11 - April 17, 2025 and complete entry form for a chance to be entered to win exciting prizes!