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WATER AND SEWERAGE CORPORATION Committed to Growth, Committed to Quality


Family Islands Water Supply Status following the Passage of Hurricane Matthew

Water supplies throughout the Family Islands were generally maintained wherever stand-by power facilities were present, or power supply was uninterrupted. Challenges still exist in the following areas:

  •  Andros
  •  Central: numerous communities without service due to power supply disruptions; portable gensets and restoration crews being deployed for temporary relief.
  • North Andros: significant damage and flooding in pumping station; Restoration crews deployed 07/08-Oct and system partially restored (25%). Water for community available at pumping station site. 
  • Eleuthera
  • Limited operations in North due to power supply challenges
  • Exuma and the Cays:
  • Farmers Cay off due to power disruption
  • Great Harbour Cay: no contact 
  • Inagua: limited supply until power restoration allows full production

Customers in areas not listed above, and who are experiencing less than normal service levels, should call WSC offices and register their complaint.

The Corporation appreciates your patience as we all work to rebuild our facilities and systems following the passage of Hurricane Matthew. 

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Fall in love with your water service this February! Pay your bill in full on or before February 28th, complete form and enjoy 5% off your next bill.