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WATER AND SEWERAGE CORPORATION Committed to Growth, Committed to Quality


Crooked Island Press Release

CROOKED ISLAND, The Bahamas — Some 250 residents in Crooked Island can look forward to the installation of Adrian Gibson, Chairman, Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) said the project includes the supply and installation of approximately 83 service connections and 5 miles of water mains in the settlements of Colonel Hill, Timothy Thompson and Church Grove. “At present there is a tender out for the works here. We expect that to close on March 18 and after that we will do an assessment with the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). A winning bidder will be selected and we will return to Crooked Island to sign that contract,” said Mr. Gibson. Crooked Island was the second leg of a visit to three islands including Acklins and Ragged Island. The Chairman was accompanied by Elwood Donaldson, General Manger; Cyprian Gibson, Assistant General Manager and Thomas Desmangles, Distribution Operations Manager.  He said plans are afoot to install a new reverse osmosis plant in Crooked Island that will produce approximately 12,000 gallons of water per day. The plant will be owned and operated by WSC.  “The tanks will allow for resilience and storage during hurricanes or any kinds of natural disaster. There will be enough tanks for people to have water in storage for two weeks.  “We’re very pleased with the progress we’ve seen here. We’re hoping in the future to expand on the network with in-house works. As it stands, the current work is under the CDB loan and we expect Crooked Island to be brought into the 21st century with respect to water mains,” said Mr. Gibson.

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