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WATER AND SEWERAGE CORPORATION Committed to Growth, Committed to Quality


WSC Emergency Response to the Passage of Hurricane Joaquin

The Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) wishes to provide the following update to our customers and the general public following the passage of Hurricane Joaquin.

On Sunday October 04, 2015, WSC with the assistance of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) dispatched Emergency Assessment and System Recovery teams to the following islands and they have provided the updates outlined.

San Salvador

Our Desalinated Water Supply System suffered some damage and there is no power supply, therefore that system is presently off.  There is very limited water supply via the Old Wellfield System powered by a smaller standby generator.  WSC is rushing emergency power generation and wellfield equipment to the island in conjunction with NEMA to restore temporary, then normal water supply at the earliest opportunity.

Long Island

Our Desalinated Water Supply System in Simms, Long Island was restored late Saturday evening.  Our Desalinated Water Supply System in Deadman’s Cay which serves Central Long Island suffered some damage but is being tested presently and it is anticipated that the restoration of the water supply will commence later today and continue in stages over the next few days.

Crooked Island/Long Cay

Our team has reported substantial damage to our Wellfield Water Supply System in Colonel Hill including severe flooding and they are coordinating logistics to get to Long Cay to assess our Desalinated Water Supply System there, hopefully by later today.  WSC is actively reviewing temporary options to supply the residents of Colonel Hill.


WSC is awaiting an update from our team dispatched to Acklins.  All indications from other sources are that communications and logistics are very difficult.  The Corporation has a Wellfield Water Supply System in Chesters/Lovely Bay, Desalinated Water Supply Systems in Masons Bay/Snug Corner and Salina Point and a Tank Distribution System in Hard Hill. A projection regarding resumption of normal operations will be made once the assessments are received.

WSC will take emergency steps to ensure that potable water is made easily available at all of our facilities in the affected islands for all persons in need of water to meet their personal and family requirements.

WSC extends our sincere thanks and appreciation to our staff, and to all Governmental agencies, private businesses and citizens who have offered kind assistance to us and our staff to assist us in our ongoing recovery efforts.

Further updates will follow.

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